Well, its official. What everyone knew would happen has finally come about. Jimmie Johnson is the 2008 Sprint Cup Series Champion. Carl did everything he could do, short of using Jedi mind tricks to make Jimmie's car blow up. He led laps, he led the most laps, and he even squeezed every last drop of fuel out of the tank to win the race. But it wasn't enough. Not when Johnson has been on the top of his game the last half of the season. Even with more wins, more top five and top tens, Edwards just didn't have enough. Jimmie has just been too consistent for everyone. Chad Knaus is the best crew chief in the business right now. He kinda reminds me of a fella by the name of Ray Evernham who was the amazing crew chief for some kid named Gordon back in the 90s. Maybe that's because Evernham hired Knaus back then and trained him. At any rate no one is better right now. Can Johnson come back next year and win a fourth title? Time will only tell. But you better watch out for Edwards next year. And Earnhardt. And Gordon. And Stewart. And on and on.
I cant wait for Daytona!!
16 years ago
Too bad!!! I was really hoping for Carl Edwards!!!
As you said about Carl Edwards with the Nationwide Series....Jimmie already has his championship.
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